Electrum is a simple and efficient wallet with a strong focus on security and speed, with very low resource use. Electrum works with the Bitcoin protocol, but it also allows you to back up your transactions. This includes all of your past Electrum transactions, and since Electrum is written in PHP, it's an easy to install and use application for your web based business. I would advise Electrum to anyone who's considering the switch from HTMLbikes to the alternative, such as Electra Wallet. Electrum has an impressive amount of unique features, which make it a good choice for anyone new to the currency exchange market.
The main selling point for Electrum is its security features, which are especially important if you're dealing with the untraceable nature of certain types of transactions. Electrum uses multiple hidden servers for all of its transactions, which protect you from the risks of private key theft. Additionally, Electrum protects you against hackers trying to gather information off of your account. This protection is accomplished through a feature called "housekeeping seed" which is used as a security feature on all Electrum Wallets.
If you're not familiar with Electrum yet, here's how you can download it for free from the Electrum Android Wallet website. The link will take you to a Google Play application download page, where you can select the application and download it for free. I tested this on an S4 Android phone, which should be no problem since most phones these days have access to the Android Market. Once you have the app installed, you'll be able to access it through your Gmail or Google+ account, or by simply going into the Android Wallet app and tapping "emen".